We are very fortunate that we get to do a lot of really cool things as a family. Every once in awhile one of the things really stands out, and this is one of those things. At first we were reluctant to go because of the price. For a family of 5 it was expensive. However, that is also relative when you look at the experience and the experience we had was worth every penny. From zip lining through jungle canopy, to jumping off a platform into an incredible cenote, swimming in caves and everything around the waterfall area we loved it.

The first thing we did was the zip line. This required a lot of walking as you had to climb to each station until you eventually got to a down slope. This was not a big deal as there were plenty of places to rest and you could go at our own pace. There were plenty of workers there guiding you and keeping you safe. In all I think there were 6 or 7 ziplines with the last one being extremely long. If there weren’t so many other cool things to do here we could have spent the day here. Then again, I can pretty much say that about each stop along the way.

The next thing we did was Hoyo Azul. There was a long hike to get here, but totally worth it. As soon as you head down the stairs and get your first peak at that beautiful blue water you are hooked. There is a platform to jump off of, but also plenty of room to just paddle around the cenote. There are plenty of areas where you can stand on the rocks but they also have life jackets available if you want to float around.

After the cenote we went and got lunch. This was the only extra expense we had during the day. This was followed by checking out some of the animals. In the center of the main area where you enter they have multiple animal exhibits. There were monkeys on an island, snakes behind glass (thank god), and lots of beautiful birds. At one point there was a naturalist showing us what the birds liked to eat and giving us general information about them. We also went into an iguana sanctuary. There were a ton of iguanas in there and they were very active. I’ve never seen them running around, but there they were chasing each other. A few times they got kind of close to us so it was a little intimidating. There were also iguana droppings all over the place so watch your step. Especially if you are wearing flip flops, that’s just nasty if you step in it.

We headed to the cave swim after the iguanas. The walk to the cave takes you along a path where there are multiple cultural markers telling you about the history of the island, including a replica of a native village. We were extremely lucky when we were there as our family had the entire cave to ourselves. Most of the cave is in shallow water and there are different colored lights.

The last section was the coolest of the day. It is a large manmade lagoon with waterfalls, swimming area and multiple zip lines. The ziplines near the main area are the type you just hang on and then drop off. It is a toss up if it is more fun to actually do the zip line or watch others. The next one you climb up a tower and the zip line is pretty long, fast, and you skid to a stop in the water. You are in a harness and it was my favorite of the day. The last was a favorite of the kids. You sit in a hammock and slide down a zip line into the water. It goes pretty fast so it is easy to get a lot of turns in on it.

Overall we loved our day here. We were there at the tail end of Covid so it was not very crowded. Even with that, there were things we did not have time to do. There were shows/talks about the animals, a petting zoo that we did not have a lot of time at, and a few other things. It is a full day, so be prepared. If you would like to see more check out the links below!

360 Tour of Scape Park:

5 Minute Review of Scape Park: